Brochure Whitepaper


I-Enroll Whitepapers | In-Depth Research on Provider Management Solutions

ABC Hospital started realizing benefits as early as five months after implementing I-Enroll: -

  • Simplified and cost-effective maintenance of credentials data, including continuous monitoring and reporting of sanctions.
  • Establishment of an online high-performance credentials management center that serves all facilities centrally with the ability to coordinate privileging locally.
  • A standard privileging process across the entire hospital system with options to customize or modify privileging rules according to local facility requirements or constraints.
  • Automated privilege assignment, management, and inquiry.
  • A direct payer enrollment process, which leverages data, collected and maintained by the credentialing process and automates the generation of payor specific enrollment forms.
  • The ability to reduce the time and expense of maintaining multiple processes and IT solutions.
  • Seamless integration of Provider data with other HIS systems.
  • The ability to capture and report metrics useful to continuously improving Provider Management capabilities.

Modernize, Streamline and Strengthen Your Provider Data Management Capabilities With I-Enroll

I-Enroll’s Capabilities includes

Speeds Up

The Provider Application Process


Provider Data Quality


Provider Information Flow All The Way From Recruitment To Credentialing Until Payor Enrollment


Payor Enrollment Process


Provider-Payor Relationship

Transform “Provider Data Management”